Picosecond OPO laser; Optical Parametric Oscillator
Picosecond OPO laser; Optical Parametric Oscillator. A Picosecond Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) is a device that generates tunable laser light by converting an input laser beam into two different wavelengths. The process involves a nonlinear crystal, where a high-energy pump laser interacts with the material to produce signal and idler waves. These waves have different frequencies, allowing the OPO to output light across a broad spectrum. The picosecond aspect refers to the pulse duration of the generated light, typically in the range of 1 to 1000 picoseconds.
The OPO can be tuned to produce different wavelengths by adjusting the crystal or the resonator cavity. These lasers are widely used in spectroscopy, material processing, and medical applications due to their tunability and ultrafast pulse duration. OPOs offer high efficiency, low noise, and excellent control over the generated wavelengths.
אנו משווקים בישראל לייזר פיקו-שנייה בהתאם לדרישות הלקוח. אתם מוזמנים ליצור עימנו קשר לקבלת פרטים נוספים, ייעוץ והצעת מחיר
התקשרו עוד היום
נשמח לשוחח עימכם

Example Specifications for a Picosecond OPO Laser:
- Pump Laser: 1,064 nm, 10 ps pulse width, 100 mW peak power
- OPO Wavelength Range: 700 nm to 2,500 nm (signal and idler output)
- Output Pulse Duration: 10-1000 ps
- Repetition Rate: 1 kHz to 50 kHz
- Beam Quality (M²): < 1.2
- Conversion Efficiency: > 30%
- Tuning Resolution: < 1 nm
- Optical Crystal: Periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) or similar nonlinear crystal
- Operating Temperature: 15°C to 30°C
- Applications: Spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, imaging, medical diagnostics, and material processing.
This specification outlines a typical picosecond OPO laser system, with tunable output and high efficiency for scientific and industrial use.
Tags: compact, Diode Pumped High Energy Picosecond Nd:YAG Lasers, Diode Pumped Picosecond kHz Pulsed Nd:YAG Lasers, fiber-laser-pumped, Fixed wavelength picosecond lasers, Flash-Lamp Pumped Picosecond Nd:YAG Lasers, generates tunable laser light, High Power Industrial Picosecond Lasers, high-energy, high-power, high-pulse-energy, mid-IR, Optical Parametric Oscillator, Pico second OPO laser, picosecond, Picosecond Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillator with 500 nm, Picosecond laser systems, Picosecond OPO laser, Picosecond OPO laser Optical Parametric Oscillator, Picosecond OPO laser; Optical Parametric Oscillator, picosecond optical, Picosecond optical parametric oscillator directly pumped, לייזר, לייזרים, פיקו-שנייה, פיקושנייה
Picosecond OPO lasers have a wide range of applications due to their tunability, ultrafast pulse duration, and high efficiency. Here are some key areas where they are commonly used:
- Spectroscopy: OPO lasers are widely used in absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy for material characterization and chemical analysis. The tunability of the OPO allows for precise targeting of specific molecular transitions across a broad spectral range, from the visible to the infrared.
- Nonlinear Optics: The tunable nature of picosecond OPOs enables their use in nonlinear optical experiments, such as parametric amplification and frequency conversion. They are essential tools in studying the behavior of light in nonlinear media.
- Medical Imaging and Diagnostics: Picosecond OPO lasers are used in biomedical imaging techniques like multiphoton microscopy. Their tunability allows for the selective excitation of biological molecules, while their short pulse duration enables high-resolution imaging at the cellular and subcellular levels.
- Lidar and Remote Sensing: OPOs can generate high-energy, tunable wavelengths suitable for lidar systems, which are used in atmospheric and environmental sensing, as well as in detecting pollutants or measuring atmospheric parameters like temperature and humidity.
- Material Processing: OPO lasers are employed in precision material processing, such as micro-machining and laser ablation. The ability to adjust the wavelength allows for selective interaction with different materials, offering higher precision and minimized thermal damage.
- Femtosecond Laser Pumping: When paired with femtosecond lasers, picosecond OPOs are used in ultrafast pump-probe experiments, where time-resolved spectroscopy is needed to study ultrafast processes in chemical and physical systems.
- Harmonic Generation: Picosecond OPOs can be used as the pump source for generating higher harmonics, such as in the production of ultraviolet light. This is useful in areas such as photolithography, semiconductor fabrication, and fundamental research in quantum optics.
These applications benefit from the unique capabilities of picosecond OPO lasers, such as tunability, ultrafast pulse duration, and high spectral quality, making them indispensable tools in both research and industry.